It really has been a while. A long while. And, I finally have 70 followers instead of 69. That's exciting, especially since I haven't even written anything other than notes to the kid's teachers in ages.
Life is changing. But, it's all really good stuff. I am now a certified Zumba instructor & I am opening my OWN dance fitness studio. (well, I do have a business partner) Lola Starr, business owner, fitness instructor, girl on fire! Who am I these days???????
I enjoy being a stay at home mother, but it's never been the only hat I wanted to wear. I am so over being a real estate agent it isn't even funny. And, I think I found something I am not only really good at doing, but that I enjoy tremendously. So, if anyone is looking for a party workout, let me know. I hope to have the studio up & running by end of Spring.
My relationship is going well. We had some really great weeks & some really off weeks, but things are coming together. I did manage to kick a hole in my bathroom wall the size of Texas, but angry Lola has passed. I hope.
My girls are turning seven this week & the ex & I are doing a joint party. That's a big step for us & I'm glad that we continue to be really good friends. It does make things in a divorced situation that much easier. I wish I could say the same for J's ex, but after the past horrible events I blogged about with her, things seem to be on an even keel for now. She's in a serious relationship & when she isn't taking exotic trips all over the world without so much as telling her children she is out of town, she is actually being NICE, again. So, that's a good thing. I try not to dwell on it much because I don't really care about it that much.... or do I?
JM & I had a very interesting Friday night. We were in DC, met a really nice couple from Reston, but encountered some really weird shit along the way. I don't think it's something I want to blog about, but maybe one day.
The drama with my own family is still presenting itself. Now, there is just more shit to add to the fan. I can't really blog about that either since I know a lot of information I am not yet supposed to know. We'll talk about that next time.
And, since I'm skating around things I don't want to blog about, I will tell you all something I do want to blog about...
My sister is about to kill her plumber. She just informed me.
Carry on & have a great week!
Holistic Health Services
4 years ago